RULES – 5v5 / 7v7 /11v11

5v5, 7v7 – This is game play where 5 or 7 players vs 5 or 7 players will play on the field at one time. 4 Field players and 1 Goalie.

In some circumstances, we may allow for 6v6 which would have 5 field players and 1 goalie.

Outdoor 5v5 Field Layout

Rules will be standard Futsal with the following modifications:

All fouls will result in an “Indirect Kick” no matter where on the field, except for the instance of a foul within the Goalie area, which will result in a penalty kick.

As we play out the season, we will adjust to the rules of play as most players will need to learn the rules, but we we will follow the basic rules of soccer play.

Here is a link to the standard futsal rules:

11 v 11 Rules will be NFHS (National Federation of High Schools or NHIAA) Rules which apply to our Middle Schools and High Schools in both Boys and Girls Soccer Play.

Any questions, please contact Chris.